Thursday, 24 February 2011

Le, la and les

This is just a super quick post for all of those eager beavers out there about the difference between le, la and les.

Le is used with a masculine word. Like le chat or le fromage. (as I'm sure you all know, pretty much every french word has a gender. Most of them you just have to learn but there are a few tricks I know that can help you tell whether a word is masculine of feminine. These will be revealed in an upcoming post...) 

La is used with a feminine word. Like la table, or la piscine.

Les is used when something is plural, regardless of its gender. E.g. les tables, or les chats or les piscines.

All of them (le, la and les) mean 'the' or 'a'. (The cat, the tables, the cheese, the cats etc.)

Hope this answers some of the question I've been asked! :)

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