I have to admit, verbs are just...yuck. They can be a pain in the bum to learn. The good news is that once you've learned the general pattern of one, the rest don't really seem as hard. It's just getting the hang of it that's a bit tricky.
The first main verb the french use is avoir which means to have.Here's the verb table:
J'ai I have Nous avons We have
Tu as You have (friend / one person) Vous avez You have ( Many people)
Il a He has Ils ont They have (masculine)
Elle a She has Elles ont They have (feminine)
On a One has / they have
A couple of things to mention. Tu as is used when you're speaking to a friend or someone you know fairly well or just one person. It's more informal. Vous avez is used if you're talking to a group of people (like a class) or if you're talking to someone older than you (Vous is a sign of respect). On a can be used more informally to mean we so you don't have ot use the nous avons bit. Ils ont is used when talking about a group of people where at least one of them is masculine. If every single one of them is feminine, then you can use Elles ont.
Whew! Told you it was a bit tricky. This is one of the main verbs used though so once you get the hang of it, you can start putting together simple phrases. It is also, i will admit, one of the slightly harder ones to learn. A lot of the others do just follow a normal pattern. I gave you this one first though because of how common and useful it is. It doesn't take that long to learn.
To help you along, I'll include some links on the blog to other sites that have french (verb) games and tutorials on so that you can practice. Some of them should have a sound facility as well so you can hear what each french word should sound like.
Have fun with verbs and keep watching this space for regular updates! :)
P.S please feel free to leave me any comments about how you're finding these mini tutorials and if there's anything in particular you would like me to cover. Thank you!
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