Thursday, 24 February 2011

Basic sentences

If you've been following my posts and my blog and have reached this stage...then well done! Congratulations on getting past tjose icky verbs. Now that you have, you can pretty much start forming basic sentences. 

The great thing about french is that a lot of words (for places or objects) are pretty similar to the words used in english. For example (par exemple) , cinema in french is cinéma. Pretty much the same. It's just said with a french accent :) (avec un accent français.) Your first sentence:

I have a cat  =  J'ai un chat

The 'I' bit of the sentence is shown by Je or in this case J', and the have bit is 'ai. A cat is shown by un chat. See how we've used the 'I' bit of avoir (see previous posts for help with this verb) along with the word for cat. This is your first simple sentence! Second sentence:

I am very small  =  Je suis très petit(e)

Here we've used the verb être. With the word petit(e), you add the extra e on the end depending on whether you're feminine or masculine. If you're a guy, then you leave the e off. If you're a girl, then you add the e on. This rule pretty much applies to most things. Anytime you're describing something, if it's feminine add the e, if it's masculine take off the e. 

The bit about the 'e' is more advanced stuf and to be honest, if you don't get it right all the time, it doesn't matter too much. Everyone will still understand what you mean. I've just included it because of a special request from hopefully this helps you.

I've purposely created this post about basic sentences now (at this eary stage) just so you can see how sentences are formed and how easy it really is. You have your verb like avoir and then you just add on whatever you're talking about (or the object). The 2 examples given are simple ones so you can see how the sentence is made up. In the next couple of posts i'll focus more on vocab so that you have the words to create the sentences. 

You can use the words that i'll give you along with the verbs that you've already learned to practice basic sentences yourself at home. 

I hope this has helped you guys. Keep watching this space for regular updates! :)

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